As a means of a creative outlet, I have used the alias Cinisketch for all my personal work over the past 7 years. In this time I have developed, diversified, and applied my design skills into a variety of projects such as product packaging and branding, mural painting, conceptual art, and digital and print ready designs.
PROGRAMS: Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign
Mural Painted at 'Urbanite' in Inner SE Portland
Mural Painted at 'Urbanite' in Inner SE Portland
Type and Imposition of Conceptual Freight Company
Type and Imposition of Conceptual Freight Company
Cover Page for Zine titled 'PEOPLE'
Cover Page for Zine titled 'PEOPLE'
Inside Pages for Zine titled 'PEOPLE'
Inside Pages for Zine titled 'PEOPLE'
Custom Illustration Designed for Screen Printing
Custom Illustration Designed for Screen Printing

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